Friday, August 3, 2012

Entry 11, Chapter 6 - Flat Character

     A flat character is a character who displays only one or two personality traits, and that is exactly what Paul Lazarro is. The man threatens Billy Pilgrim's life after Weary dies in his arms on the train, and as Weary's dying request he wanted someone to please avenge his death which was caused by Billy. Throughout the story, Lazzaro is seeking vengeance on not only Billy, but many other people who have stood in his way as he told Billy that," he was going to have him killed after the war." Lazzaro shows one and only one side to his personality, that he is always looking for revenge and is bloodthristy. The threats he made were not to be fulfilled until many years later, but with Billy's time travel, he knows that Lazarro will follow through with his threats. Lazarro's flat character in the end show his dominance over Billy in the end.

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