Friday, August 3, 2012

Entry 16, Chapter 8 - Time Travel

     Traveling through time has been a reoccuring idea all throughout the book. The fact that Billy believes he is time traveling shows that the plane crash he was in really messed up his mind. In the media, time traveling has been something really cool to produce movies, books, etc. about from Disney movies like Minutemen, animated movies like Meet the Robinsons, and of course, in science fiction books like Michael Cricton's Timeline.  All of these were entertaining to watch and or read, but if we were to hear about it in real life, we would simply think of the stories as crazy and incredulous, but in the fictional world, we find these stories creative and imaginable. Billy time travels almost constantly throughout the book, making it quite hard to follow, but eventually the stories start to become familiar and you begin to realize that you are tracing his life, just in a different pattern.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good point Allison! I have to agree with you. When I first started reading the book, I was confused because I was not sure if Billy was going back in time. Throughout the book, I began to distinguish the difference between actually time and time travel. The author even began to give hints that Billy was going back in time, especially when he wrote, "Billy dozed, awakened in the prison hospital again" (137). This sentence shows that Billy just came back from time traveling.
