Friday, August 3, 2012

Entry 15, Chapter 8 - Hubris

     Hubris is simply a tragic flaw that leads to a character's downfall. Billy begins his downfall with his status in society towards the end of his life because of his gullibility. Billy begins to believe everything he is seeing and reading in Kilgore Trout's science fiction books that lead to the crazy thoughts of Billy's that Tralfamodorians exist and abducted him. Later on, as Billy is giving a speech to people about the truths behind his Tralfamodorian friends, Lazarro comes and finds Billy years later and fulfills his threat of taking Billy's life. In the end, Billy becomes distanced from his family, optometry patients, and his life because of his belief that he had become unstuck in time. His daughter, his own flesh and blood blames," That Kilgore Trout," because he," is and was a science fiction writer...that anyone can become a friend of."

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