Friday, August 3, 2012

Entry 4, Chapter 2 - Cliche Alien Abductions

     When I first read Billy's passages describing his kidnapping by the Tralfamordians, I had a reaction like most people would have when hearing about a supposed "abduction by aliens." The idea that someone was kidnapped by aliens is so cliche in my mind, but Billy Pilgrim told his story in such a serious manner as though," that everything that he had said on the radio was true." I remember first hearing about the Rosewell UFO incident when I was in elementery school, and like any other sane kid, I believed that the whole incident was made up or simply blown out of porportion. That was a reaction most people have when they hear anything concerning the existence of aliens, and Billy Pilgrim was revealed in the book that his mindset was probably not all there. Many sightings of UFOs and reports of abduction have been told, but in the end most of these witnesses are claimed to be people with mental disorders or are looking for attention. Billy Pilgrim has been revealed to me, as every other "abductee" has been to me, a lunatic.

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