Friday, August 3, 2012

Entry 18, Chapter 9 - Recall the Good, Forget the Bad

     I recently read a book called Heart 2 Heart about a girl who lost her life in a crash crash who  made a decision to be a donor when she turned 16. Later on, the girl who recieved the deceased teenager's heart reached out to the best friend of her donor. During their visits, the bestfriend of the donor became very aware of the idea that she should always cherish the good moments because she never knew when her life would end. The girl who recieved the heart, was on the brink of death, and she made it clear to everyone in her life that everyday she wanted to remember only the good moments because she had experienced so many unhappy memories during her heart failure before the transplant. This book reinforced one of the themes of the book, remember the good and forget the bad.


  1. I completely agree. Vonnegut uses the refrain, "so it goes" to portray this theme to his readers. By using these words, Vonnegut is saying that we cannot always control our fate and that sometimes bad things happen to us. However, instead of focusing on this negative we should accept it because it's how some things go. We should focus on remembering the positives in life, rather than the negatives.

    1. When I came up with this blog entry,I didn't just come up with a random book I knew up to compare it to. Heart 2 Heart was fresh in my mind from days earlier and I thought its story was incredible and heart-touching. I seriously think that the motto, "Recall the Good, Forget the Bad" should be a copyrighted quote on my behalf:) Its just so meaningful in such a small passage. Megan, you're completely right, sometimes life is life, and we shouldn't dwell on the bad memories!

  2. I completely agree with your title of this post in that you remember the good points of life, but forget the bad. I think that also ties in a lot with Billy Pilgrim's thinking. Whenever he says "So it goes.." he realizes that something bad has happened and he is forgetting it and moving on.
