Friday, August 3, 2012

Entry 14, Chapter 7 - All Knowing?

     The plane crash Billy Pilgrim was involved with reminded so much of the movie Knowing with Nicholas Cage. In the movie, Nicholas Cage realizes that he has found a peice of paper with thousands of numbers on it that are in fact dates of castrophic events. He follows one of the dates to its location, and there he knows that something bad is going to happen and in fact moments later a place crashes into a fire ball along a highway. Just as Billy experienced, he knew that the event of the crash was going to happen yet he went along with it, just as Nicholas Cage did also. Plus, a plane ended up crashing in which Nicholas was to help save one survivor. Along with gruesome imagery, and pictures in the movie and in the book, Billy and Nicholas experience something very similar; Nicholas even had alien-like people following him!

1 comment:

  1. This is a very good comparison I believe. Knowing is a very entertaining movie, and the storyline and main character is very similar to SH5. I don't remember the aliens in Knowing though...
